Hi everyone. Well I tried. Haha. Didn’t work. Is it possible for you to send this out to the junior 1 list asap so that we can try and plan something for the girls?
They can send their info voluntarily to me at [email protected]
Thanks a bunch!!
Begin forwarded message:
From: Tanya <[email protected]>
Date: March 27, 2017 at 2:10:55 PM CST
To: Cheer Jr Lv1 Parents <[email protected]>
Subject: Cheer Junior level 1 windup?
Date: March 27, 2017 at 2:10:55 PM CST
To: Cheer Jr Lv1 Parents <[email protected]>
Subject: Cheer Junior level 1 windup?
Hi everyone,
I’m hoping this gets through to everyone! I’m just using one of the GA emails to reply to this group so it doesn’t show email everyone’s email address.
A few parents were chatting about a year end gathering for the girls. If your daughter is interested in participating, could you please reply back to me with your contact information? We’ll gather this up an get a group communication out there:
Your name(s):
Your daughter’s name:
Phone/Cell/Text number:
Tanya Striha (Kaitlyn’s mom)

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