Cheer Open Lv 5 – Important Info

Hello Cheer Open Parents, A couple upcoming items: 1. Uniform Sizing We will have someone available from the company we order the senior uniforms from available to size the girls on the Monday, October 3rd practice. If your uniform from the previous year still fits,...

Cheer Junior Lv 3 – Choreo Dates

Hello Cheer Jr Lv3 Parents, Just wanted to give you some information on upcoming choreo. Choreo Camp We have arranged to have choreography done for the Senior group & Junior Lv 3 group on October 7th, October 8th & October 9th. The times will be as follows:...

Cheer Fall Upcoming Events & Info

Hello Parents, Please find below some upcoming events & information.   PARENTS MEETING There will be a parents meeting on Wednesday, September 28th @ 5:30PM. At the Parents Meeting we will discuss upcoming events for the year as well as competitions we are...