It’s that time of year again!

The Christmas party for our group will be on December 19th at 4:00pm and we will probably be done around 6:00pm. The girls already picked out Secret Santa names so we will do the gift exchange that day ($20-30 limit) and we will also be doing a potluck again! I’m hoping that we can try to have a variety of items, not just desserts!
Also keep in mind that Hannah is allergic to dairy, she can be around it she just can’t eat it.
Another item on the agenda today is that there won’t be any training on Friday, December 16th due to the Sask First camp being the two days following.
Wednesday, December 21st will be the last day of training before Christmas break (we aren’t able to have the party this day because some of the older athletes have finals)
I’m hoping that we can train December 29th and 30th from 10:00-2:00 but these days are tentative as of now.
Let me know if you have any questions!