Greetings Parents,


Some of you may have already received a similar email for those training during the summer – but there is updated information below!

Welcome to the Gymnastics Adventure 2016-2017 Competitive program. We would like to take this opportunity to share our coaches excitement – we are all looking forward to another great season at Gymnastics Adventure!


Below is some important information for both NEW and returning parents.






There will be a Parent Information night in late September, the date and time is TBA. At this meeting, we will go over expectations for the year, provide information on competitions and events, and answer any questions you may have.




As per the Parent’s Guide, training schedule for the Fall begins on September 1st. Monday, September 5th there will be NO TRAINING due to the Labour Day Holiday.





As stated in the parent pack, you have “commitments” (also known as volunteer hours, bingos, and cleanings to complete over the year). We have included a list of times for bingos below with information on how to sign up, as well as a link to the cleaning schedule for the 2016 year up to December which you can complete to register for cleanings. As stated in the Parent’s Guide, 1/2 of the cleanings and bingos should be completed by January to avoid being charged the buyout rate for these commitments.



To sign up for a shift, please contact Pinkie @ 306-949-6850.


Sept 2,7,11,19,20,28 – 11:30AM start

*No-shows or cancellations within 24hrs of bingo date will be charged as per the parent handbook



Here is a link to the form to complete to sign up for cleanings (you can sign up between summer months up to December) –




Any important communication is sent by email (training changes, cancellations, etc). This info is also usually posted on the Parent’s Blog (



**The Parent’s Guides for the T&T and WAG program is attached for anyone in need of another copy**


WAG Parent’s Guide 2016-2017 (3)

T&T Parent’s Guide 2016-2017 (4)